Thursday: live interview with Zach Shelby (Edge Impulse) and François Baldassari (Memfault)
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for a special event
Hey folks,
On Thursday, May 19 at 9am PT, we’ll be doing a live interview for Atoms and Bits that will be posted in the newsletter a few weeks down the road. The interview is part of Spectra, Particle’s annual IoT conference, and will feature two special guests:
Zach Shelby, CEO of Edge Impulse (previously: Sensinode, ARM, Micro:bit)
François Baldassari, CEO of Memfault (previously: Oculus, Pebble)
If you’re too impatient to wait for the interview to be published here, or want to join to participate in live Q&A, register now for Spectra; it’s a free virtual event and we’d be delighted to have you.
Coming up soon in Atoms and Bits: an essay on fundraising for hardware/software businesses and our first video interview with Sanjay Dastoor, founder of Boosted and Skip. Stay tuned!